Club Europeo Marina Escobar Valladolid (Spain)
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September 8th

A special week for children and their families

City's day

El ocho de seoptiembre son las fiestas de Valladolid. En ese día empiezan las ferias. Hay procesiones, se realizan concursos relacionados con la cultura de Valladolid. También hay concursos de pirotecnia. Pero lo más importante es que es el día especial para los vallisoletanos. The eight of september is the principal feasted day of Valladolid city. This day starts a feast week and they are organized a lot of competitions related to the culture of Valladolid. There is also competitions of fireworks. But the most important thing is that the citizens from Valladolid celebrate their "fiesta" together.
If you want to know more clic on the picture

Europe's days

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