1984 were given the starting signal for the school partnership with Canterbury.  First the contact was limited only to the electro-technology department and at first also only by some electro-technology and English teachers was carried.  For this reason the exchange was executed in the initial phase only by this area or by mixed classes.  After short time the pupils of other departments were in addition-gotten, and with European Union
- one tackled further projects to support.

Some projects, which ran so far:  A project for the soil and water testing and a metal technique project, with which a simple machine was built. 

For the moment two projects run:  a building - and an art project. 

To the building project the building of a leisure building on our schoolyard belongs.  Here the foundation was built by English pupils.  Further English pupils will participate in the building of the walls and in it special English techniques will apply.

With the art project a game of chess for our schoolyard is created.  The pertinent chessboard was likewise manufactured by English pupils.  Further two sets of play figures are created, a record of us and the other one by the Englishmen.
A further metal project, with which it concerns material investigation, is likewise in planning, and the projects extend into all areas. 

On the English page a teacher is full-time responsible for the European Union - projects.  Canterbury is thereby in several exchange programs.  We have so far on European Union - base only with Canterbury contact, but our Polish partner school is to be included also. 

As consequence of this partnership several friendships between teachers and pupils developed.


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