Here is the program of  European Club "AUDITORIUM"

 Theme: What will be future European culture?

Topic:  Celebrations in Europe.

Participating countries:  Russia, Norway, Spain, Ukraine, Portugal, Slovakia, Estonia, Italy, Hungary,...

What will we do?

We want to discuss all kinds of Celebration Days, that are interesting for young people: common for all Europe ( Christmas, New Year, Easter, Day of St. Valentine, ....), local for every country (state, religious, town, region, ... ), local for every school (school holidays,...), private (family celebrations, birthdays, disco, clubs, parties, ...).

We want:


What will happen – when:

Before 1-st of December 2002– contact the coordinator and send the list of chosen Celebration Days.

During December 2002 – May 2003 – e-mail and mail contacts teachers/students.

Before 15 of May 2003 – send an rtf-files or html-files with your materials, student’s essays, common group works, drawings, pictures, photos,...

Before 1 of November 2003 - we will construct common web-site or common CD-disc with all materials.


Coordinator – Anna Voitkounskaya (Russia, Saint-Petersburg),

Youth leader (also web-master)– Petr Zviaguine ( Russia, Saint-Petersburg).       

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