By Cristian Morales, Carlos and Antonio Calvo
The Catholic church retook pagan festivals like the spring solstice, once celebrated by the Celts and the Roman Saturnalia and changed them into the Holy Week Christian celebration.
They are magnificent shows, consisting of processions (long parades of penitents dressed in gowns and pointed hats that accompany the "stages" which are representations of the passion and death of Christ).
Some penitents walk barefoot, loaded with heavy crosses and chains and even sometimes flagellating themselves, others just parade for fun in order to get disguised and take part in it.
Some processions are serious and solemn, like the ones celebrated in Zamora, Valladolid and Murcia. The most brilliant as far as colour and vivacity are concerned is the one in Seville.
In Murcia polychrome wood sculptured scenes made by Salzillo in the 17th century are paraded and they are really superb.
AN INTEPVIEW WITH PILAR PÉPIEZ MAS, Gabriel Garcia Márquez school
Secretary "MURCIAN BY RIPTH" by Raquel Álvarez and Maria Pérez
1.- How is Holy Week lived in Murcia?
lt is lived intensely. There is a mixture of urban and rural aspects.The most important days are Holy Wednesday, when the "Coloraos" Brotherhood, calied this way
because the brothers are dressed inred, waik along the streets
Pilar Pérez Más
and Holy Friday, when the platformsbearing scenes from the Passion sculptured by Saizillo, are carriedthrough the streets and market-garden produces are given out.
2. Processions are a mixture of pagan and Christion traditions.Which one of them do you think predominases nowadays?
The organizers are Christian but they are done in a pagan way... bo you like watching processions?
Yes, I do. The one 1 like best is the one on Thursday at midnight. Qniy one Christ is carried through the streets. The brotherhood isdressed in block. lt was founded in 1955 by a group of doctors andmy father was one of the founders. It symbolises Christ's death, it goes past the cathedral and it lasts one hour. It is a mixture of whatis Castilian and Andalusian.
3. What difference do you see between the Holy week in Murciaand the Holy Week in Lorca?
The Holy Week in Murcia is calied Passion biblical parade.
It is notdone in a tradicional way.
4. What do you like least about these festivities?
They don't disturb the city, you don't take part if you don't want to.
5. Are Easter eggs given away on these days?
Yes, monas de Pascua (Easter cakes), they are rolis with a hard-boiled egg inside.
Poliychrome-wood sculptures by Saizillo, 17 th century.