Carnival's days |
En España se celebran los carnavales 40 días antes de la Semana Santa. Sont típicos los de Cádiz por su color y charangas, los de Tenerife por sus carrozas y sus desfiles, donde salen mujeres y hombres con disfraces muy espectaculares |
In Spain, Carnival is celebrated 40 days befor the Holy Week. They are well know the Carnival from Cádiz because of colored and charangas" (a special funny group of people telling jokes with music). They are also very famous the Carnival from Tenerife, because of demostrations on street with a very large coaches. There are beautiful dressed up ladies and young men are on streets |
Note: The 3 days before "miércoles de ceniza" (Ash wednesday), when fasting traditionally starts, are the time for carnaval, an exhuberant celebration which dates back to pre-Christian times. Althouth in decline during the Fanco years, the carnaval has grown in popularity recently in Spain, Cádiz and Tenerife being particularly well-known. El martes de carnaval (Shrove Tuesday) is the biggest day, with colourful street parades, fancy dress, fireworks and a general party atmosphere. |