Club Europeo Marina Escobar Valladolid (Spain) - Club Auditorium -
Father's day
El 19 de marzo en España se celebra el día del padre. Esta fiesta es típica de la Comunidad Valenciana, donde se quema unas construcciones de madera llamadas "Fallas". Se elige una falla ganadora y se salva una parte llamada "Ninot" que va a un museo. También tiran fuegos artificiales
The 19th of March, in Spain,is celebrated the father's day (St Joseph). It's vary popular and well know the "fiesta" in Valencia, where theu burn a big sculptures made on wood and paper. The best of all is the winner and the "Ninot" (a kind of figure with details of the big sculture) is put on the museum of the city. They are named "Fallas". It's very common to use big fireworks
Europe's days
Webmaster: Luis Carro, University of Valladolid, november, 2003