Club Europeo Marina Escobar Valladolid (Spain)
Club Auditorium
1 January 1st
2 January 6th
3 February 14th
4 February
5 March 19th
6 March-April
7 April 23rd
8 May 1st
9 First sunday of May
10 May 9th
11 June 24th
12 August 15th
13 September 8th
14 October 12
15 November 1st
16 December 6th
17 December 8th
18 December 25th
19 Today is my birthday
20 A calender
of 20
Holy Week
La Semana Santa sirve para celebrar la muerte y la resurreccion de Jesús. Se celebra una procesión con palmas
The Holy Week is used for celebrating the die and resurrection of Jesus. During the week there are a lot of parades with ancient sculptures.
Europe's days
Luis Carro
, University of Valladolid, november, 2003